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Create Your Account

Create an account verified with a cell/mobile phone text message

All new accounts need to be verified with a cell/mobile phone text message. You will be asked to enter your cell/mobile phone number. Then a verification text message (SMS) with a code will be sent to your cell/mobile phone which you will enter the code via your browser. Your account will be linked to this cell/mobile phone number and will be used to reset your password. A cell/mobile phone number may only have 5 accounts linked to it.
By pressing the Next button you are consenting to receiving SMS text messages.
Learn how Cyan obtains and uses this information.

Please enter an account name for logging into Myst Online: Uru Live. The account name must be an active email address. Upon a successful account creation, a confirmation email will be sent to the email used for the account name.
NOTE: This will *not* create a forum account, you must do that separately.

Account Name:
Retype Password:

Click on "I'm not a robot" and then click "Next" to consent to receiving SMS messages: